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Helping Farmers Out of Depression
highest rate of suicide, 84.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The CDC report cites possible explanations ... areas, people have limited, if any options, for healthcare, particularly mental health professionals. ... and opioid abuse. One of the hurdles in getting people help is the self-reliant nature of farmers. ...
What the HACCP?
The title says it all. Most people probably haven’t heard of the HACCP process before, and those ...
Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour
operation works for the farm and family. The sharing of ideas is how we all learn. Resource people for the ... to the first 40 people. Thanks to financial sponsorship from the Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, ...
Dicamba Complaints Slowly Filtering In
four times as many instances of harm because people are reluctant to report their neighbors, said Mark ... “The sense I get from people here is, ‘This is not acceptable.’ What’s not acceptable is this movement ... plants or wildlife or if pesticides are getting in the water,” Beal said. “We want people to call us.” ...
Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds
produce up to 1 million seeds. In some parts of the state, people are particularly vigilant of Palmer ... and more people have issues with it,” he said. Since both waterhemp and Palmer amaranth have developed ... “People find an herbicide that works and they don’t change it,” Loux said. “That’s one of the things that ...
Better land use decisions via the American Citizen Planner program
I like to volunteer in my community. Doing so enables me to make a difference in other people ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 3
upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 4
upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2
upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...
Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture
to four people per room. Details can be found on the Annie's Project Registration Flyer. ...