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What is Your Personality Color Spectrum Workshop
The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better ... people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon. The cost is $75 per ...
DISCflex Workshop
professional success by providing insight into how an individual’s behavior impacts the people around her or ...
Tough Work: Understanding and Serving People in Poverty While Caring for Yourself
Volunteers often serve in a tough capacity. This training, taught by OSU Extension, Lucas County will review the needs in our community and how to respond in healthy and helpful ways. Patrice Powers-Barker will teach the class and Sylvania Area Family Ser ...
Peter P. Ling
Lansing,Stephanie,L; Martin,Jay,F, "Use of an ecological treatment system (ETS) for removal of nutrients from ... Chiapas, Mexico" Proceedings for the 5th Biennial Emergy Research Conference 2009. Lansing, Stephanie ...
Meet Celene Gielink: Not Your Traditional Engineer
once they step out of their comfort zones. Celene encourages people not to take no for an answer and ...
County Centennial Celebrations
including "Centennial families" in the county. (Hardin County) Post videos of people telling ... photos and stories that show the history of Extension in the county. Ask people to comment on the photos ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership ONLINE Workshop
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
MIssion Possible: Positive Leadership Workshop
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
Majoring in Construction Gets More Popular
change their major, but also people coming back to college to change their career,” Coleman said. To ...
OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff
mental attitude that is contagious. Her spirit keeps people engaged.” Service awards also went to the ...