
Search results

  1. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of June 6

    gardeners. Registration $50. Limit 15 people. Information:  or 330-464-2148. NEW: June 14: ...

  2. OSU Urban Farming Study: What's the Best Way to Turn a Parking Lot into a Garden?

    could help people who live in urban food deserts — areas having little or no access to ...

  3. Ohio State receives $2.9 million NSF grant to boost K-12 science education

    next generation: young people who will be the leaders and decision-makers in the future,” OARDC ...

  4. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    road, researchers are planning to use a newly developed raspberry bio-adhesive gel to treat people with ...

  5. Hog Industry Issues Addressed At Upcoming Conference

    another tough year for producers. A lot of people won't be able to wait until the market ...

  6. Governor Strickland Proclaims Master Gardener Volunteer Week

    neighbors in a community garden setting; teaching people how to plant, maintain and harvest a vegetable ...

  7. OARDC, OSU Extension Join Effort to Fight Ash Pest Found in Ohio

    Division of Plant Industry by calling (800) 282-1955.  People should refrain from moving ash trees, lumber ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of June 13

    training and practice for gardeners. Registration $50. Limit 15 people. Information:  or ...

  9. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    Keynote presentation by Dr. Lonnie King. Dr. Tony Forshey will be moderator. Panel of experts and leaders includes Dr. Barbara Wolfe and Dr. Ron Kensinger. ...

  10. More Food Grown Near Home, Less Oil: Ohio State Tests Eco Plots for Small Farms Serving Cities

    grow the food close to where the people are,” said Kovach, who holds joint appointments with the ...
