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Emilia G. Sgambati
profession, and comfort interfacing with other people as a professional. In addition to her studies, work, and ...
Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Creativity for Success Sold out
a task? Why they problem solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...
High Tunnel Soilless Strawberry Field Night
EMAIL. While this event is free, registration is required and maximum capacity is 22 people. If you have ...
Mary L. Buehler
celebration events. Mary’s life’s mission is to connect people to the resources they need, specifically within ...
Isaac H. Knowles
a question, he is one of the first people he consults. Mr. Ralston has been his lab supervisor for two years, ...
Hannah S. McKenzie
and to meet so many new people with new ideas. This experience pushed Hannah out of her comfort zone ...
Louis E. Mezzopera
at OSU. As his mentor, Mr. Sutton is one of the most genuine people he has ever met. Mr. Sutton ...
Caleb Rykaczewski
this growth to the people who provided a sense of family and community while in Columbus. He was ...
Hailey A. Snyder
Her time in this position taught her how different people learn as well as honed her own leadership ...
Leading from Wherever You Are online
means to lead up, down and sideways. • Learn ways to deal with difficult people. • ...