
Search results

  1. Thoughts from the Director – COVID-19 Updates

    programming for educational events up to 100 people that cannot be accomplished virtually.  Per the ...

  2. Wyanna Schalk

    Ohio State?  What I enjoy most about Ohio State is the ability for people of all backgrounds and ...

  3. Thoughts from the Director

    grill, and talking longer walks in the sun. I am glad to know that more and more people are getting ...

  4. Budget Updates/Planning

    think about what is really necessary right now, and know that our ultimate goal is to keep our people ...

  5. Faith Hagelberger

    Hometown: Minster, OH What's your favorite thing about Ohio State?  The people! I love the community ...

  6. Thoughts from the Director

    Extension warns against the faulty thinking that Extension professionals need to be all things to all people ...

  7. Backyard Naturalist- Online Course from The Wilderness Center

    investigations. See flyer. “The Wilderness Center strives to reach people where they are, and where we’ve all been ...

  8. Shannon O'Hearn

    What's your favorite thing about Ohio State? The best thing about OSU is the community of people you ...

  9. LOD Seeks People Who Want to Attend a Data Party!

    We are looking for about one dozen individuals who would like to help us make meaning from the open-ended comments that are contained in the recent Return-to-Office survey. ...

  10. Reflecting and Looking Forward

    future; identify our key priorities around people, partners, programs, and processes; engage our ...
