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People, Nature and Justice: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Cities of the Global South
Blog Subscriptions ...
JOANN and 4-H Collaborate!
cards, which were used to send love to people in their local communities. Here in Franklin County, the ...
Entrepreneurial Network Introductory Guide
learn to improve: Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city. Knowledge of social ... based on the perspective of people committed to engagement in urban communities. If you have ...
Inclusive Engagement
communities, consider what you know about the people who live, work, play, learn, and worship in your city. ...
Kyle Tatad
to do. I’m from Lima, Ohio and attended Shawnee High School. People often call me Dolphin because of ...
Working Groups
surroundings. OSU Extension has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy choices and ... with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to produce healthy people, relationships, and finances at ... Perhaps most notably, Ohio 4-H uses a youth development approach to help young people develop ...
Local Food Champion- Tim McDermott
our environment and all people. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 and joining the Franklin County ...
Joshua Winters
mentor so that I could meet new people. I enjoy long walks on the beach and can throw a rock kind of far! ...
Devin Moser
experience, make friends, and I don’t want people to feel alone. While I am allergic to cats and dogs, I have ...
Olivia Kruczynska
North. I love OSU because of the variety of people and the experience the University provides you. I am ...