
Search results

  1. Turfgrass program brings Ed Nangle, Ph.D., aboard

    Ed Nangle has joined the Ohio State ATI faculty as an assistant professor in the turfgrass program. Prior to Ohio State ATI, Nangle served as director of turfgrass programs for the Chicago District Golf Association, where, among other duties, he was respo ...

  2. Hunger and Food Security

    authorities estimate 11 percent of the world population — nearly 800 million people — are malnourished, and ...

  3. 2019 Great Decisions series at COW addresses global health

    magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2011, and a National Geographic “Emerging Explorer” ...

  4. AFA = Awesome, Fun, Amazing

    opportunity to connect with new people, hear different viewpoints, and express my ideas as well. As a 1 st ...

  5. Innovative Women in Agbiosciences Seminar

    We have an excellent panel of scientists and food-sector business people who will share the ...

  6. We Need Your Help!

    people like you can have better health through healthy eating. Your answers to questions on this survey ...

  7. Grand Health Challenge

    overall combined weight loss was 3,409.1 pounds. Over the 11 years of the challenge, 4,008 people have ...

  8. Real vs. Artificial: Which Tree Is More Sustainable?

    donating it will offer it another life with a different home enjoyed by a different collection of people ...

  9. Secrest Arboretum

    Although it is a research arboretum, over 7,000 people visit the gardens annually. The Ohio Nursery, ...

  10. OARDC scientists nab national honors; have ‘positive impact on society’

    that make a difference in people’s lives.” Also in December, Katrina Cornish  (below), professor in the ... knowledge and discoveries that make a difference in people’s lives.”—Michael V. Drake Impact: Good food and ...
