
Search results

  1. Faculty research on air pollution disparities featured

    low-income and African-American people live, a disparity highlighted in research presented at the  annual ... air pollution and the demographics of the people who lived in 1-kilometer-square areas throughout ...

  2. Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day observed – no classes, offices closed

    Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day observed – no classes, offices closed ...

  3. Banner Celebrates Earth and Connectivity

    a hard look at the impacts of chemicals, industrial pollution and population, on people, animals and ... or the Food Triangle, and on the corners of the triangle are symbols for people, plants and the sun, ... directions (and people living there) or four natural elements (earth, sky, water, fire/energy) honored by ...

  4. Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops

    is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and proactive design, ...

  5. Alumni Career Spotlight: Katie Connolly

    to find people who do things that sound cool and reach out to them. In my experience, most people are ... want to do when you graduate, that’s okay. Try to find people who do things that sound cool and reach ... out to them. In my experience, most people are very willing to talk to and provide advice for aspiring ...

  6. Maria Fredericks Honors Thesis Defense

    made it clear that people who live in the blast zone, or in a 1-mile proximity to oil-carrying railway, ... environmental harms are often felt unevenly where they are present, deeming people of color and impoverished ... people subject to making sacrifices for a supposed greater good. While most cases in EJ studies deal with ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar via Zoom- Anne Junod

    has been directed toward the downstream impacts of these developments on the people and places which ...

  8. Nick Garcia- Graduate Exit Seminar

    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employment outcomes among people with disabilities have not improved. ... rates of disability, while also providing the worst employment outcomes for people with disabilities. ... governmental programs are responsive to the needs of people with disabilities.  I examine the provision of ...

  9. Alumni Career Spotlight: Mike McNutt

    He recommends getting to know as many people as you possibly can, volunteering, getting involved in ... various organizations, and getting your name in front of as many people as you possibly can – because you ... than meeting every single qualification. When Mike hires people, he knows that all of the final ...

  10. Alumni Career Spotlight: Shawn Stone

    connecting with your future employer. Enjoying the people you work for and with is more valuable than ... anything in my mind. Working in an environmental field is not a typical 9-5 job. People in this field are ... opportunity. Because I surrounded myself with highly ambitious and successful people at Ohio State, I felt that ...
