
Search results

  1. CD Wire- June 16, 2014

    we had 12 people involved in 6 of the 31 sessions (including two posters) over the three days. I know ... providing people with affordable choices for accessing those amenities, such as walking, biking or taking ...

  2. CD Wire- April 15, 2014

    weather events and their frequency resources that can help people understand and manage the impacts of ... Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet"- May 1: The next Environmental Professionals Network ... eXtension Ask an Expert account, please do so soon: Only EFNEP & SNAP-ED ...

  3. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    the national, regional, state and county levels in order to provide support and comfort to the people ... level. Emergency- A sudden, generally unexpected event which does or could do harm to people, the ... ensure that master copies of materials, copy-ready for mass distribution to the media and the people, are ...

  4. CD Wire- April 14, 2014

    weather events and their frequency resources that can help people understand and manage the impacts of ... Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet"- May 1: The next Environmental Professionals Network ... eXtension Ask an Expert account, please do so soon: Only EFNEP & SNAP-ED ...

  5. CD Wire- August 14, 2012

    for our world, its environment, natural resources, people, and communities. For complete information, ...

  6. CD Wire- May 21, 2013

    through July in Columbus to help people interested in raising chickens, bees, and produce in urban ...

  7. CD Wire- March 18, 2014

    improve the lives of low-income and disadvantaged people while strengthening economies and communities. ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- May 13, 2013

    Conservation Results, makes research about how to best engage people in conservation readily available to ... change... what motivates people to take action and how to plan conservation projects that reflect "what ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- June 24, 2013

    There are two driveways (coming from Cambridge on Rte. 22). The first one is for the oil and gas people ... that have occurred in the way people find and use information. Understanding these shifts will help you ...

  10. CD Wire- November 19, 2012

    Customer service Mileage will be provided by the CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team for the first ten people to ...
