
Search results

  1. Bonnie Ayars Hired as Dairy Program Specialist

    for the position "My life has been devoted to cows, people, and my passion has been the ... opportunity to work with young people." Her office and contact information is: 222C Animal Science ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Celebration of Youth

    National 4-H Week is Oct. 5-11, 2014, and young people statewide are celebrating Ohio 4-H, the ...

  3. Felipe Dalla Lana da Silva

    attended by over 2,000 people. Write annual report of committee activity to APS. Vice-Chair, 2016-2017 ...

  4. Who Plays a Part in Solving Hunger? Your Alma Mater

    Millions of people in the United States and around the world don’t know where their next meal will ...

  5. Dr. David Benfield

    director of The Ohio State University CFAES Wooster campus. “It is a great place to meet people. You are ... other people would see the value in the arboretum,” he said. “They would open up their minds and hearts ... something that will be there probably for decades to come for people to enjoy,” Benfield said. Joined by his ...

  6. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    Candace Lease Pictured bottom: (L to R): Kayla Oxendale, Victoria Trbovich, Stephanie Telek, Cayla ...

  7. Adventures in Foreign Lands Arose From a CFAES Degree

    suspected dissidents and subversives. Many people, both opponents of the government as well as innocent ... people, were “disappeared” in the middle of the night.  They were taken to secret government detention ... centers where they were tortured and eventually killed.  These people are known as “ los desaparecidos ...

  8. Information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Employing Teenagers

    promote fair, inclusive, and discrimination-free workplaces for millions of young people. At the height of ... last summer (July 2005), more than 7 million young people age 16 to19 joined the U.S. workforce, ...

  9. Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks!

    find. Cloverbud Rocks! is meant to inspire people to venture out and explore our county's beautiful ...

  10. Dairy Farm Tour to Argentina and Uruguay

    trip, we need a minimum of 18 people and a maximum of 21. If you are interested in going or you want ...
