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Calibrate Your Sprayer to Save Money on Pesticides
Ozkan pointed out. “What people don’t know is that sprayers sometimes aren’t spraying the amount that ... people think they are,” Ozkan said. As a sprayer’s nozzles wear out, the rate of flow through them ...
USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers
Almanza. “Experts are available to talk with people in English and Spanish, so we are able to help address ...
Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities
program is teaching people how to farm in the city. They are creating jobs and revitalizing neighborhoods. ...
Wickstrom receives AJCA Director’s Scholarship
a long history of sponsoring educational programs for “young people interested in the Jersey breed.” ...
From Summits to Sustainability: Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally
signature events have drawn more than 1,000 people, Hanselmann said. The network also hosts a series of ...
Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh
Abed, founder of BRAC in Bangladesh. He is not only an inspiration for the Bangladeshi people, but also ... optimistic that together we will be able to provide sufficient, safe, nutritious food to 9 billion people by ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: South Dakota State University
are all headlines and it's become enormously popular in a state of 630. We have 800,000 people in ...
Ohio State Peace Corps Recruiter Awarded Prestigious Lillian Carter Award
Corps' third goal of promoting a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Jack was ... people, has brought about Ohio State’s rise to #4 in the Peace Corps’ annual rankings of colleges and ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: North Carolina State University
grand global challenges in plant sciences,” Linton said. To bring people together in an ...
Ohio AgritourismReady Conference
people from the same farm or business. The deadline to register is April 3. Registration includes lunch ...