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  1. Local Food Council Formation Planning Guide

    Feenstra describes this as a response, in part, to the disconnection of people from the “sources of their ... and use Action Planning Worksheets. How might we organize? Who are the right people/right groups to ...

  2. Using a Community Supported Agriculture Share to Plan Family Meals

    could appear in the weekly shares. For some people, vegetables such as kohlrabi, chard, and fennel may ...

  3. Coping with Canada Geese: Conflict Management and Damage Prevention Strategies

    and will nip or hit people who venture too close. Particularly vulnerable to attacks are small ... people feed Canada geese, it is a major cause of human–Canada goose conflicts in parks and residential ... to a successful harassment plan is the continual use of the chosen technique. Most people do not have ...

  4. Ohio's Natural Enemies: Hover Flies

    panic when encountered, but they do not bite or sting. Many people will incorrectly refer to them as ...

  5. Secondary Injury Prevention: Ergonomics for the Farm

    to fit the worker, while maintaining the efficiency of people in the workplace. The use of ergonomics ...

  6. Initial Farm Injury Emergency Response

    increase the chances of survival by providing advanced medical care. If there are other people with you, ...

  7. Introduction to Mindfulness

    safe for healthy people but is not recommended to use in place of health care. As mindfulness practice ...

  8. Eating Healthy During Stressful Times

    people to avoid consumption of: Empty calories including foods with added sugar, or drinking excess ...

  9. Bumble Bees in Ohio: Natural History and Identification of Common Species

    will sting repeatedly to protect the nest. People are often stung when unknowingly walking near or ...

  10. Reading Pesticide Labels

    pesticides as either general use or restricted-use. Restricted-use pesticides can harm people, animals or the ...
