
Search results

  1. Brent Ball

    favorite thing about Ohio State? The people I have met and networked with along the way. Fun Fact:  One of ...

  2. Webinar-Sustainability and Ohio Lands

    "Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment.” We have ...

  3. Citizen Science Project

    surveyed how many people actually use the park. Having a good estimate of usage can be very helpful  when ...

  4. Megan Lintner

    OSU is all the opportunities to be involved on campus and meed people with the same interests. Fun ...

  5. Laina Green

    people to meet from all around the globe! Fun Fact: I enjoy painting with acrylics. In one sentence, why ...

  6. Nicole Cusick

    world! I chose to become a peer mentor in order to help people find their home in OSU and CFAES just as ... I did. I really love OSU because I get to meet so many new and different people every day while finding ...

  7. Hannah Maggard

    Everywhere you go people ask about Ohio state whether it be sports, classes, or clubs and there is nothing ... better than being connected to such a large group of people! I am from West Jefferson, Ohio which is ... animals to love definitely makes life so much better! I love OSU because I love helping people through ...

  8. Human Resources

    We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, ...

  9. "Past and Contemporary Climate Change" lecture presented by Lonnie Thompson

    "Past and Contemporary Climate change:  The Evidence, People and Our Options" at The ...

  10. Ohio Invasive Plant Council Workshop

    workshop- OIPC and the SWCD will provide materials and refreshments. This facility can hold about 50 people ...
