
Search results

  1. OSU President Gee to Keynote Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    educate people about sustainability, said Allen Zimmerman, the chair of the planning committee. It’s also ... exhibitors and 2,000 people. For more information, call 330-287-1263 or go to ...

  2. Join the 'Buckthorn Watch': Citizens Needed to Track Invasive Plant in Ohio, Mich., Iowa

    edges of forests. "We really want people to go out in the nice fall weather and look for buckthorn ... people to join this program and report buckthorn sites during the months of September and October, as we ... said, provides all the information necessary for people to get involved, including plant identification ...

  3. Ohio State Students Help in Hurricane Recovery Efforts

    felt that the people of Louisiana needed her help more than she needed to be at home working to make ... same for them if their state's people were in need. "I have never been involved in a relief ... effort, but I knew we could do a lot with 30 people working eight-hour days," Stacklin said. ...

  4. How to Test for Prussic Acid Content in Forages

    following the guidelines to prevent prussic acid poisoning, Sulc said. “People are aware of the danger when ... for handling the danger. “Overall, people are doing a really good job managing forages that are ...

  5. OSU Extension to Host Statewide Land-Use Conference January 2013

    perspective to educate people about the different land use tools available to them with the hope that ... their people.”  Other topics to be covered include: Planning for Oil and Gas Scenarios; Local Government ...

  6. Farmland Preservation Summit Set for Jan. 17

    Environmental Sciences.   During past farmland summits, experts have presented tools on legal ways for people to ... marketing strategies that can be used to help people generate income as a way to preserve farmland,” Hogan ...

  7. New Nutrition, Food Safety Institute to be Developed at OSU

    several areas of discipline to work toward a similar goal. "Our objective is to have people working ... health. "If whatever process you created to make food safe doesn't provide people with any ... people don't even realize that bionutrition and food safety are interwined at the microbiological ...

  8. Farm Science Review: Sharing the Garden with Bees and Their Imitators

    Friday Avenue in the FSR exhibit area. "It's in people's nature to want to shoo away bees ... not knowing what the insect is," said Bloetscher. "We want to educate people on the ... worry people because it will swarm close to the ground, but the action is harmless," said ...

  9. 'Just What I Needed': Extension Nurtures Entrepreneurs in University District

    sees the neighborhood as a partner. "We respect people's time and talents, and we've ... community, eventually hiring young people to help motivate them to pursue their dreams." Handy is one of ... meeting some good, passionate people," Handy said. "I hear their dreams and goals, and have ...

  10. Power Outage? Pitch Food if Uncertain About Safety

    people, it's difficult to throw away food if it's not crystal clear that it's been ... discarded." That's especially true for households with people at high risk for severe illness from ... foodborne disease, including children; pregnant women; the elderly; and people with diabetes or other ...
