
Search results

  1. The Dairy NRC 2001 Lives On

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University Many people ...

  2. CFAES Faculty Lead on Global Water Issues

    freshwater. Still today, 2.1 billion people live without safe drinking water at home. Damaged ecosystems, ...

  3. Management in Today’s Dairy Economy

    Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of people, including family, clergy, friends, OSU ...

  4. Register Now for SmartAg 4.0! (September 16-17)

    support of business strategists, subject matter experts, thought leaders, and idea people.  More simply ...

  5. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    Abed, founder of BRAC in Bangladesh. He is not only an inspiration for the Bangladeshi people, but also ... optimistic that together we will be able to provide sufficient, safe, nutritious food to 9 billion people by ...

  6. For the Birds

    harmful to both livestock and people. According to John Paul Seman, Wildlife Biologist with USDA, APHIS ... made available to starlings, an employee watches to be sure that no songbirds, animals, people, or ...

  7. Ohio State will study how deglobalization could impact food, energy and water systems in region

    investment in the people and resources needed to continuously accelerate discovery at Ohio State. By building ...

  8. Milking Excellence

    animals.  Provide good nutritional programs. Use Appropriate Consultants.  Develop a team of people with ...

  9. Livestock Need Fresh Air

    animals and the people taking care of them. Poor ventilation can cause poor animal response to growth and ...

  10. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    University’s 2nd Annual Animal Welfare Symposium was held on November 30 in Columbus.  Approximately 350 people ...
