
Search results

  1. Good time to start: Fall farm practices for helping crops and water

    immediate practices that people can implement this fall as they are making fertilizer applications that can ...

  2. Ohio State students launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook: Here’s how you can get it

    iBook. It describes some of Earth’s biggest challenges and how people are using cutting-edge science to ...

  3. Ohio’s annual Stinner Summit makes plans for sustainable food, communities

    It was about growing green farms. Building sustainable communities. And helping keep more people ...

  4. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    Ohio but across the country,” he said. “The pleasure of continuing to see the growth of people I have ...

  5. How and why skipping meals to lose weight can backfire

    people,” said OARDC scientist Martha Belury of the College of Education and Human Ecology. “But you ...

  6. Introductory Workshop on Aquaculture and Aquaponics

    researchers. Registration is $45 per person or $75 for two people from the same farm, business or family. It ...

  7. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    individuals,” Schwartz said. “Bringing people together from different disciplines is where innovations occur.” ...

  8. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    Objectives: To Help Young People Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. ...

  9. Fungi Fun in the Classroom!

    expertly convinced that fungi are the most important organisms in the world. People really don’t realize ...

  10. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    For: 4-H volunteers, youth ages 13 and older 4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) ...
