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individual or as a group (4 people limit). The winning design will be chosen by a committee of faculty, ...
account information to anyone you don’t know. Scammers pressure people to divulge their bank account ...
Ira Kuenzli- Agricultural Engineering Student
is the computer lab. You go there before or after your classes and see the same people there who tend ...
Ukrainian Ag Econ Professors Improve Skillsets at Ohio State through USDA Faculty Exchange Program
Ukraine- stimulated young people's interest in agriculture, and how her and her colleagues appreciated ...
Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives
on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...
CFAES Organizes Climate Change Conference in Tanzania, Promotes Food Security Through iAGRI
economies and livelihoods of its people, it has remained largely deficient in adopting and adapting ...
Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry
partnership with the Ohio Hop Growers Guild, where over 500 people participated in all-day tours of nine ...
Ohio State, Punjab Agricultural University Help Train Kenyan Graduate Students in Agribusiness
improve food security in the East African nation of 44 million people. The project officially became known ...
Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?
primarily spread through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The illness is mild in most people ...
Ives Hall
240 people. Accessibility and ample light were two things placed first in planning Ives. Every ...