
Search results

  1. Introduction to Mindfulness

    safe for healthy people but is not recommended to use in place of health care. As mindfulness practice ...

  2. Eating Healthy During Stressful Times

    people to avoid consumption of: Empty calories including foods with added sugar, or drinking excess ...

  3. Initial Farm Injury Emergency Response

    increase the chances of survival by providing advanced medical care. If there are other people with you, ...

  4. Reading Pesticide Labels

    pesticides as either general use or restricted-use. Restricted-use pesticides can harm people, animals or the ...

  5. Reading Pesticide Labels for Trainers and Supervisors

    General-Use or Restricted-Use. Restricted-use pesticides can harm people, animals, or the environment. ...

  6. Heat Stress for Trainers and Supervisors

    functioning. Increase productivity — People work slower and less efficiently when they are suffering from heat ...

  7. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac for Trainers and Supervisors

    to check their learning. Background Many people are sensitive to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison ...

  8. Shiga-Toxin Escherichia coli: What You Should Know About this Group of Foodborne Pathogens

    cases that occur each year is hard to determine because many people attribute their illness to a virus ...

  9. Botulism: What You Don't See or Smell Can Still Hurt You

    age. There are a number of organisms that can make people sick. It is not possible to determine which ...

  10. First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games

    at the sky. Together imagine they are animals, creatures, people, or monsters. Have fun as you try to ...
