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Letter from the Interim Director, Thom Janini
people realize their professional aspirations. I know there are a plethora of alumni stories like ...
How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?
trans fats-- the fats people think are unhealthy. Replacing those with unsaturated fats, like olive oil, ...
Is MSG Bad for Your Health?
allergic reactions. It's even been considered a factor in infantile obesity. “I see people all the ...
Ohio State Researchers: Milk Date Labels Contribute to Food Waste
have flavors that people don’t like and may make them feel nausea — but it isn’t going to make them ...
Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry
ATI, is a firm believer in the CLT program. “It’s important that we test people’s mastery of skills ... He supervised 125 people every day, and that experience is what has made him appreciate the kind of ...
September is Food Safety Month
Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Annually, some 48 million people get foodborne ...
Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger
"When people don't have family, we sit with them so they don't have to die alone. It's ...
NEWS: Gage Smith Awarded Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad from the US Department of State
is one of the best tools for developing mutual understanding and building connections between people ...
A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI
I have been one of the luckiest people in the world. Had I tried to plan how my life would be, never ...
Lee Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science
university’s mission of creating the knowledge and discoveries that make a difference in people’s lives.” With ...