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  1. Grazing Conference Highlights

    change peoples’ minds, but we can be more intentional in showing them that we are indeed doing our very ...

  2. OSU- A Land Grant University

    Antonio for a Leadership conference and met some wonderful people from all over the nation, through their ... people, just as we should do as individuals.  We serve ourselves best when we serve others and our ...

  3. Grief During the Holidays

    people’s life.  Whether these may be personal experiences or within your circle of friends, following are ...

  4. Good Spending and Savings Habits

    an emergency. That’s nearly 131,000,000 people. We just completed a Steps To Home Ownership series of ...

  5. Wayne County 4-H Launches Mobile App

    people who might not be able to be on-site at the show/sale arena when the hard copies of the programs ...

  6. Credit Reports

    closely for charges you did not make.  This week alone, I’ve talked with three people who have found ... if the small amount goes unnoticed. Don’t ignore bills from people you don’t know.  A bill on an ...

  7. Support the Dairy Industry

    a sustainable practice for the horse farming communities of Amish and conservative Mennonite people.     The ...

  8. Food Waste

     The researcher went on to say “Only in rare circumstances is that date about food safety, but people ... destructive type of household waste in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.  Helping people to understand this ...

  9. Healthy Choices

    models. Just like spending time with positive people can help you develop a more positive outlook, ... spending time with people who practice the behavior you wish to adopt can rub off. Avoid going more than ...

  10. Assets for Children

    about other people Developmental relationships within the family are up to 10 times more important than ... ideas, experiences and places and introduce me to people who can help me learn and grow.  ...
