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  1. Ohio Governor Signs Executive Order to Prioritize Tech Solutions for People with Disabilities

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  2. 2016 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    at events or just hanging out with people around the house, my greatest memories come from Delta ... I learned so much in and out of the classroom, met amazing people, and had an experience different from ...

  3. Healthy Trees, Healthy People

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  4. How (and Why) Cities Are Marketing Bikes to Poor People

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  5. CFAES Community Dialogue

      Carmen Connect “White People and Anti-Racist Work” led by members of the CFAES Diversity ...

  6. 2016 Extension in the City Highlights Report

    to bring people and ideas together. Visit the Extension in the City impact pages to learn how ...

  7. Dr. David Benfield

    director of The Ohio State University CFAES Wooster campus. “It is a great place to meet people. You are ... other people would see the value in the arboretum,” he said. “They would open up their minds and hearts ... something that will be there probably for decades to come for people to enjoy,” Benfield said. Joined by his ...

  8. 2014 Annual Report

    and resources of The Ohio State University. The mission of OSU Extension is engaging people to ...

  9. Who Plays a Part in Solving Hunger? Your Alma Mater

    Millions of people in the United States and around the world don’t know where their next meal will ...

  10. New network started for environmental professionals

    network for people whose work helps keep the planet green. The  Environmental Professionals Network, ...  which launched in August, "is for a broad range of people who are professionally engaged in ... managing, protecting, and using our environment and natural resources-- people who really should be ...
