
Search results

  1. Register for Drainage Field Day

    The Ohio State University at Lima will host a Drainage Installation   Field Day on the campus farm on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Field demonstrations by the Ohio Land Improvement Contractors of America, or OLICA, will begin at 9 a.m. and will continue in an ...

  2. Undergraduate

    a high demand for people with skills in food science and knowledge of business, accounting and personnel ...

  3. 2023 Western Agronomy Field Day

     We welcome you to attend the annual Western Agronomy Field Day at the Western Agricultural Research Station in South Charleston, Ohio.  The field day will be held Wednesday July 19,2023, with registration 8:30 a.m.  and the program starting at 9:00 a.m., ...

  4. Weather Update: A Slow Drought Improvement

    The last two weeks have brought a continued active pattern across Ohio, with numerous showers and storms hitting just about every corner of the state. The most active weather has been focused across the central third of the state, with widespread reports ...

  5. Lep Monitoring Network Update #10 – Trap Counts for CEW, WBC, and ECB (IA & NY)

    The Ohio Lep Network is continuing to monitor moth pests across Ohio. As we enter our tenth week of reporting, we will continue population reports on corn earworm (CEW), Western bean cutworm (WBC), and both variations of European corn borer (ECB- IA & ...

  6. Manure Science Review Coming Thursday August 3rd

    The annual Manure Science Review will be held on Thursday August 3 rd in Defiance County from 9:00am to 3:00pm at Innovative Ag, 10366 OH 249, Bryan, Ohio 43506. Attendees will see and hear about updates on the H2Ohio program from Terry Mescher, H2Ohio Pr ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Episode 18

    Episode 18 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 18, we talk with Alex Lindsey, Crop Ecophysiology, about recent weather and the effects of weather on our growing crops. Click here for more informa ...

  8. Smoke from Wildfires Affecting Ohio Agriculture? Or Some Other Stressors?

    Wildland fires in Canada this year have so far burned over 20 million acres with approximately 4 million of those acres in Quebec. In spite of these fires being hundreds of miles away from us, smoke generated has been driven by northern winds impacting th ...

  9. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Before removing straw from the field, it is important for farmers to understand the nutrient value. Though we have seen some softening of the 2022 fertilizer prices, P and K fertilizer prices remain higher than normal. The nutrient value of wheat straw is ...

  10. OSU Extension Weather Extremes Committee and the State Climate Office of Ohio to Host Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes

    Weather is almost always a challenge for agriculture, and  good management strategies for dealing with water, weeds, pests, diseases, and stress are all part of being climate-smart. The 2023 Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes Conference is set f ...
