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  1. Regional Crop Updates: August 6-12, 2024

    Disease pressure remains relatively low across the state as cooler temperatures continue for a few more days. Main field activities this past week included fungicide applications in corn and soybeans, second- and third-cutting hay, and tiling in harvested ...

  2. Weed Control via Cover Crops

    Cover crops can suppress weeds and complement other integrated weed management tactics to fight herbicide resistant weeds. These plots compared 7 cover crop treatments for weed control. Treatment list (from West to East): Rye (50 lbs/ac) Hairy vetch (20 l ...

  3. Cover Crop Seeding Methods

    Timely fall cover crop establishment is a challenge for Ohio growers. These plots compare four cover crop seeding treatments. All treatments were applied in mid to late June following wheat under no-till conditions. Treatment list (West to East): Drone Co ...

  4. CFAES advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    enhance our student learning and bring more people in to educate about the dairy industry and agriculture ... people and animals can interact, fostering education not only for Ohio State students but also for K-12 ...

  5. ESS Lab Peer-Reviewed Publications

    bird feeding. People and Nature, Hamilton, M., C. Evers, M. ... community is tightening socialecological network structures in the face of global change.” People and Nature ...

  6. Publications In Previous Years Bessette, D. L., Wilson, R. S., & Arvai, J. L. (2021). Do people disagree with themselves? ... S., & Arvai, J. L. (2019).  Do people disagree with themselves? Exploring the internal consistency ...

  7. Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Wayne County

    Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become increasingly specialized and separated. A two-year Ohio State project has partnered with 31 working Ohio farms to examine the economic, ecological, and social impac ...

  8. Dr. Natasha Myhal

    vulnerabilities Indigenous peoples face with the effects of climate change. Her academic training is rooted in ...

  9. Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes

    Corn growth and development are progressing well across most of the state (Figure 1), though recent reports indicated limited rainfall and dry soil conditions potentially leading to crop stress in some areas. Despite the wide range of growth and stages ac ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 18- Planting Date and Weed Control Interactions

    Episode 18 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 18, we are with Dr. Alyssa Essman, Weed Control Extension State Specialist, at the Western Agricultural Research Station in South Charleston, Ohio t ...
