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Crops and Soils Club Wins a CFAES Student Organization Excellence Award!
meet people and get involved. I found out about the Crops and Soils Club and thought it sounded ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Jack McCoy
people’s lives every single day, from the food we eat to the landscapes we live in. What’s not to like?? To ...
Betsy Wins 1st Place at the GRS in the MS Proposal Category
people from the Wooster campus. I have only seen my Wooster classmates over zoom, so it was nice to ...
Follow Your Passion
Hollingsworth Dr. Brian Roe "How do people interpret certain food labeling claims such as “organic,” ...
Dr. Joshua Blakeslee
interested in this field? I've known I wanted to be involved with science that would help people since ...
Agronomic Crops Team Receives the CFAES Distinguished Multi-disciplinary Team Extension Award
Lindsey (Horticulture and Crop Science), Stephanie Karhoff (Extension), and Amanda Douridas ...
Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award
through the program very simple. They also have classes where people will come in who work in the golf ...
Betsy Cunningham
during all 4 years of my undergraduate degree and really liked working with the people in the program. ...
Backyard Poultry Certification
steadily as more people want to provide for their family and personal food security. We have also seen an ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens
people. If you read my story below you will see there have been many people that have helped guide me to ... where I am today. It’s a close-knit community full of great people who are professional, hardworking, ... and sophomore year, and talked to as many people as possible to try and get some direction or clarity ...