
Search results

  1. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    some schoolwork. I cannot recommend what I’m doing this summer enough to people who want to travel ...

  2. New video series Project Journal debuts

    us tell our stories in a way that is mindful of people’s busy schedules, filmed and presented in ... strawberries in an aquaponics system. “The initial idea simply came from multiple people asking Harker to see ...

  3. Dr. Joshua Blakeslee

    interested in this field? I've known I wanted to be involved with science that would help people since ...

  4. Stephanie Karhoff

    Stephanie Karhoff Assistant Professor, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems 1206 East Second Street, ... Ottawa, Ohio 45875 567-376-4019 Stephanie conducts applied research to identify best ... on integrated pest management, agronomic crop production, and nutrient management. Stephanie is also ...

  5. Food Safety

    a variety of food safety programming throughout the state.  The manner in which people handle and prepare ... food is a major reason why foodborne illness occurs.  People must alter their food handling behavior, ... Five food safety video lessons developed for grocery store non-management employees Healthy People ...

  6. Food Preservation Additional Resources National Center for Home Food Preservation USDA Complete Guide to Home ...

  7. Pre-Fair Resources

    intergenerational program linking young people and their pets with senior adults in various healthcare facilities. ... understanding of their rich histories, while becoming more compassionate and caring. Young people learn to train ...

  8. Dr. Stephanie Karhoff

    Dr. Stephanie Karhoff Assistant Professor (Affiliate) 100% Extension (567) ...

  9. Lydia Wins 3rd Place at the GRS in the PhD Research Category

    proposal division, which was smaller, so this year I knew I had a lot more fantastic people to compete ... with. I feel honored to have received an award alongside some really amazing, accomplished people who ... people from the HCS community came to do tastings or participated in the descriptive analysis panel. It ...

  10. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Jack McCoy

    people’s lives every single day, from the food we eat to the landscapes we live in. What’s not to like?? To ...
