
Search results

  1. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Jack McCoy

    people’s lives every single day, from the food we eat to the landscapes we live in. What’s not to like?? To ...

  2. Meet Michael Zuccaro: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    called it a great way to “meet new people, be involved with sports at Ohio State, and learn how to manage ...

  3. Crops and Soils Club Wins a CFAES Student Organization Excellence Award!

    meet people and get involved. I found out about the Crops and Soils Club and thought it sounded ...

  4. Note from David Civittolo

    related to their properties, considering the expected influx of people in communities and rural areas ...

  5. Meet Cameron McCurdy: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    campus and other activities to encourage people to de-stress. As the Education and Outreach Chair for the ...

  6. Day of Giving 2024: How Scholarships Change the Student Experience

    educate people on how we can implement better practices that not only improve welfare but also production. ...

  7. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    thousands of students. He worked with many young people with backgrounds in production agriculture and ... livestock producers and young people in the state of Ohio and beyond. He has been recognized as a CFAES ...

  8. David Benfield Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. Betsy Wins 1st Place at the GRS in the MS Proposal Category

    people from the Wooster campus. I have only seen my Wooster classmates over zoom, so it was nice to ...

  10. Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

    Cheryl D. Spencer 2017 Stephanie Hutsko 1988 Michael Bishop 2018 Jerad Jaborek 1989 David M Greene 2019 ...
