
Search results

  1. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI)

    people who differ from you.  Understanding your MBTI is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with ...

  2. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI)

    people who differ from you.  Understanding your MBTI is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with ...

  3. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others

    people; • Identifying and gaining insights to your change style preference by completing Discovery ... support them; • Recognizing common reasons people resist change and their respective implications to the ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...

  4. Effective Meeting Facilitation: Getting the Most Out of Your Group

    effective at facilitating people through processes that provide useful information and data in making ...

  5. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    or two people is easy with the internet and virtual cooking classes. Here are a few ideas to help you ...

  6. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    A, B, C, and D (World Health Organization, n.d.). Flu A, B, and C can infect people, whereas D is ... 3) with anyone entering barns for any reason. Reduce the number of people entering and exiting the ... farm should be avoided by farm personnel. Work out a pickup system that does not involve people who ...

  7. Positions

    Katchova:   ...

  8. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    with paying for grandchildren’s education or vocational training. Connect grandchildren with people who ...

  9. Preschool: Nutrition and Fitness

    Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences Bridgette Kidd, Healthy People Program Specialist, Family and ...

  10. Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio

    an ancient fruit (Stover et al., 2007). Many people all over the world have enjoyed the edible fig; ... about $1 per fig at specialty foods or ethnic grocery stores. Most people who tried hardy figs for the ...
