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  1. National Rural Health Day

    comes to health services and healthy people. This year’s theme is Plug into the Power of Rural. When it ...

  2. June is National Safety Month

    coffee; pick up your mail; or peek at your social media account.   In this same 10 minutes: • 3 people die ... • 847 people suffer an injury severe enough to require medical attention • $18.42 million in damage ...

  3. CDC Life Stages & Populations

    disasters bring to a community. People with disabilities often face additional obstacles that impede the ... Readiness for People with Disabilities” page to help in preparedness. Whether you are a person with ...

  4. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Franklin & Crawford County

    front of a livestock show arena, and talked with people as they walked about the fairgrounds. We played ... opportunities they provide. The majority of people we spoke with in Franklin County were consumers, which was ...

  5. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: 1 Week, 3 County Fairs

    were happy to share the word of sustainability and the contributions of agriculture with the people of ... different types of people, but one thing that everyone shares is an appreciation for sustainable practices. ...

  6. Don’t let arthritis or chronic pain stop you from gardening: Raised, vertical and elevated beds and container gardens

    well for people who cannot bend or stoop, as well as people who may not have very much space for ...

  7. Sustainable Choices For Music Festivals

    festival for life if attendees carpool, offers a bottle exchange program, and more to motivate people to be ... products to lessen your carbon footprint and be more sustainable. Nowadays, many people like to wear ... camping for the duration of the festival. Many people bring their own tents to these festivals, but will ...

  8. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design in the Garden

    is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent ...

  9. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design House and Garage at Farm Science Review

    creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible ...

  10. Welcoming Everyone to your Farm or Business

    to the public? Is your farm or business welcoming to people with disabilities? The American’s with ... Disabilities Act is a federal law that requires businesses to be accessible to people with disabilities, and it ... questions to consider: Is your property welcoming to people of all abilities? Is there room in your parking ...
