
Search results

  1. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    impact very many people, so we have not raised them until this last fact sheet. Discussed here are ... term generation-skipping makes some people think they are disinheriting their children in favor of ...

  2. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    refers to the increased productivity that occurs when people and firms cluster together. This clustering ...

  3. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    equipment around the farm, be cautious of people walking around moving equipment. First be sure everyone is ...

  4. Corn Silage Pricing

    correct chop length and kernel rolls, put people safety first, and review equipment safety and update as ...

  5. Alumni Story: Dr. Kristy Shaw

    I realized there’s a whole realm of veterinary medicine we don’t talk about as often.” “When people ask what ...

  6. Basic Estate Planning: Introduction

    also does this in a way that the people involved are friends through the process and after the estate ... plan. Some people are uneasy when they are forced to depend on others, especially when they don't ... deposit. Or maybe all that needs to be done is to draw up or change your will. Most people who have larger ...

  7. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    I am one of those sourdough people). I also  raise registered Texas longhorn cattle. Social Chair ...

  8. Study Suggests Hepatitis E may be a Sexually Transmitted Infection

    neurological disorders in humans. Historically, clinical infections – even in pregnant people – have been ...

  9. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    conflicts between them and people are on the rise. What Does a Coyote Look Like?   The coyote is ... result from disease or from people feeding wildlife. Feeding coyotes, accidentally or intentionally, can ... cause coyotes to  habituate  and lose fear of people or become  food-conditioned, in which they ...

  10. Bed Bugs

    considerations should be made when implementing any IPM program. There is often a tendency for people to attempt ...
