
Search results

  1. Household Food Waste Taxes: Findings from South Korea, Lessons for the U.S.

    Environmental Quality and Yvette Cabrera, Director, Food Waste, People & Communities Program at the National ...

  2. AEDE Extension Team Visits Lynd Fruit Farm

    hats,” said Brian Lynd. “There’s a lot of people that depend on you to get a crop across the finish line. ... workers and having the same people year after year; you could tell the human connection was something he ... annually. During its busiest times on fall weekends, Lynd’s can see over 100 people enter and exit their ...

  3. STEAM students enjoy a day at South Centers

    educating young people. Seeing their eagerness to learn, the intelligent questions they asked, and how they ...

  4. Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award

    real-world problems – improving people’s lives across the globe and creating new opportunities for the ...

  5. White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions

    impacts. The forum brought together more than 800 people – including representatives from universities and ...

  6. Master of Applied Economics Job Market Panel

    of time and prepare them for what's to come.  The most valuable part for me was the people ...

  7. Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan chosen for 2021 North American cohort of leading sustainability scientists

    Davis Rachelle Gould, University of Vermont Stephanie Green, University of Alberta Anne Randall Hughes, ...

  8. Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment Webinar

    Three perspectives on Sustainability on Ohio's Landscape  Speaker Bios.  Elena Irwin, Faculty Director, Sustainability Institute, OSU PRESENTATION SLIDES.  Bill Stanley, State Director, The Nature Conservancy Ohio Chapter PRESENTATION SLIDES.  Chris ...

  9. Success Stories

    employer. This is what employers want, people that can solve problems. PACCAR (Kenworth) utilizes Lean Six ...

  10. Alan Randall

    Groundwater-Contaminated Sites in Taiwan: How Much More Will People Pay for Housing to Avoid Contamination? Asian Economic ...
