
Search results

  1. Farms and Fun: Reducing Liability Risk for Agritourism Webinar on Jan. 16

    bringing people onto the farm for fun also brings risks of injuries and the possibility of legal ...

  2. Organic Vegetable School

    There must be 10 people registered in order to proceed with the school. Make checks payable to OSU ...

  3. Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    people, so register early to avoid being shut out. This is the conference to attend for Southern Ohio ...

  4. Farms and Fun: Reducing Liability Risk for Agritourism Webinar Being Offered

    bringing people onto the farm for fun also brings risks of injuries and the possibility of legal ...

  5. Public Input Wanted on Plan to Improve Ohio Agriculture

    “Farmers often feel like people don’t listen to them, but this project offers a chance for their solutions ... recommendations represent ideas from across the spectrum of Ohio farms and people who work with food security and ...

  6. Marketing Local Foods? How to Stand Out from the Competition

    outreach arm. Organizers are expecting about 120,000 people over the three days of the Review. London is ... customers already heard of them through outside marketing efforts? What draws people in?” The presentation ...

  7. BeKind Service Project

    name.# to register. Community people will need to create an account…it is easy….and if not email stuck.9 ...

  8. A DAY in the WOODS (Virtual)

    biologists,  Stephanie Downs (ODNR-Division of Forestry) and many others based on questions submitted.  Submit ...

  9. Crawford County Cattlemen Plan Beef Finishing Tour, You’re Invited

    9:00 am and will have a bus available if people want a ride with us from Bucyrus. Once it is full we ...

  10. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...
