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  1. Alumni Story: Dr. Kristy Shaw

    I realized there’s a whole realm of veterinary medicine we don’t talk about as often.” “When people ask what ...

  2. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    I am one of those sourdough people). I also  raise registered Texas longhorn cattle. Social Chair ...

  3. Youth explore the great outdoors at Forestry Wildlife Conservation Camp

    through the philanthropy of many people,” he said. “We are thankful to all of our partner agencies who ...

  4. Highland County 4-H’er selected as a Georgia Boot Trailblazer

    to tell people across the nation about my experiences in Highland County 4-H.” ...

  5. Study Suggests Hepatitis E may be a Sexually Transmitted Infection

    neurological disorders in humans. Historically, clinical infections – even in pregnant people – have been ...

  6. Statewide Programs

    PetPALS- 4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational 4-H program ... military service. Real Money. Real World.- An active hands-on experience that gives young people the ... teaches young people the safe and responsible use of archery and firearm equipment under the direction of ...

  7. Assuring Quality Care for Animals

    reducing obesity through facilitating exercise and play; serving as service animals for people with ... mobility, hearing, and sight impairments, and for people with conditions, such as autism and diabetes. ...

  8. Ohio teens grow as global citizens in Greece

    was also great to meet all the very friendly and compassionate people in Greece, even in brief ... always had such good conversations. Getting to connect with the Greek people was really impactful and the ... understand different cultures and ideas through interacting with local people,” said Schmidt. “It was an ...

  9. National 4-H Congress: “An unforgettable time of our lives!”

    I could stay longer! Countless people from many different states introduced themselves to me, and I walked ... our first records this year, and some of us were on the brink of aging out of 4-H. No two people would ... I met people from towns I’ve never heard of, strengthened bonds with people I’ve known for years, and ...

  10. National 4-H Conference helps Ohio teens grow as leaders

    “In my roundtable, I worked with people that had different beliefs and backgrounds than I had, and we ...
