
Search results

  1. Safe Use of the Power-Take-Off (PTO) for Trainers and Supervisors

    equipment. People cannot react fast enough to pull away from a spinning shaft, and most clothing is strong ...

  2. Basic Estate Planning: Medicare and Medigap

    facility care. For most people on Medicare, the $1,156 deductible is all you pay for hospitalization. This ...

  3. Human Trafficking: Know the Signs of this Hidden Crime

    serving in a family restaurant. Security measures are in place that appear to keep people inside an ... establishment (i.e., barbed wire inside of a fence, bars covering the insides of windows). People are not being ...

  4. Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development

    Summary As the oil and gas industry continues to expand in Ohio, people using private water supplies near ...

  5. Basic Estate Planning: The Nursing Home Dilemma

    aide • $42,328/year ($814/week) for 5 days/week homemaker services Many people spend down to Medicaid ...

  6. Managing for Bobwhite Quail in Ohio's Agricultural Landscape

    Misconception: Turkeys prevent bobwhite populations from recovering. People misinterpret the relationship between ...

  7. Electrical Shock for Trainers and Supervisors

    of current flow and the current’s path through the victim’s body. People have survived shocks of ...

  8. Forklift Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    hats in high lift areas. Never lift people. Never lift a load above workers. Never allow workers to ...

  9. Material Safety Data Sheet for Trainers and Supervisors

    information to different people on the job: Workers who use, handle, and store hazardous substances. Employers ...

  10. Starting a 4-H Teen Leader Group

    they are invested in what they do throughout the year. Are there other people who should be involved in ...
