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  1. Getting Started

    difficult to make money on a small scale.  However, we have seen success with people starting small and ...

  2. Ohio Stable in Farm Bankruptcies, While Nation is Up

    the biggest factor that influences farm bankruptcy filings because a lot of people use their land as ...

  3. Jump-Starting Rural Economies

    surprising that rural counties across the United States are declining in population. Since 2000, more people ... even numbers of people moving to cities as to rural areas, said Partridge, who along with Katchova work ... adults who go on to college and jobs in metropolitan areas, but they could aim to attract people in their ...

  4. Chow Line: Food Safety Hotline Provides Answers to Consumers' Food Questions

    summer when people are canning food, and during the holidays when people have questions about ... Thanksgiving turkey,” Dean said. “This service is a reliable resource for people who don’t have access to the ...

  5. September 2019 Highlights

    on Engineering and Food (ICEF13). The department hosted over 120 people this month at the annual FST ...

  6. Health information, Human Capital, And Risky Behavior: New (improved) estimates of how information affects behavior

    I develop empirical measures of the stock of information people have about the risks of smoking. I use ... behavior changes when people are exposed to more information. I then explore how those responses vary ... across people with different levels of human capital. I use several sources of individual survey data. ...

  7. Overdose Rate Tied to Jobless Rate

    had higher rates of people dying by overdoses than other regions, said Mark Partridge, the C. William ... because people without a college degree were more likely to take manual labor jobs, which can be ... a result, a lot of people were not earning what their parents did, and yet they had expectations of being ...

  8. Barry Ward

    School for OSU Extension. Any- Journal article Book/book chapter ...

  9. Ohio State Tour to Highlight Columbus' Growing Urban Agricultural Industry

    their own farm business in the heart of city neighborhoods, but people in the neighborhoods have ... privilege of urban farming is being able to produce healthy foods for people that live here too.” Another ... communities they are developing, because more and more people are viewing urban farming as an attractive ...

  10. Coming in 2014: Managing Dairy Employees More Effectively Farm Assessment

    is accomplished through people, and more cows per farm means more people are needed to care for those ... cows. How can you do a better job managing people and therefore your cows? A good first step is knowing ... owners and managers identify strengths and areas of concern in their people management skills and the ...
