
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Advocates

    to build a lot of teamwork and friendships with the people you stay with and while you work together ...

  2. Shared Harvest Foodbank takes food directly to the people

    People receiving food need to stay in their vehicles while being loaded and be patient as we work to get ...

  3. Ohio 4-H in the Nation's Capital

    at the USDA. It was great  see people from the surrounding buildings came together at this farmers ...

  4. OSU Extension: Family and Consumer Sciences

    People Healthy Relationships   Though topics vary from county to county, contact your local county office ...

  5. Calendar of Events

    inaugural Dean's Charity Steer Show. Awards will include best steer, showmanship, and people ...

  6. Special Needs Camp

    for young people with disabilities and their caregivers.  Being a typical kid is what Camp is all ...

  7. Assistive Technology and Universal Design

    efficiency. However people with disabilities face even greater challenges in performing essential tasks in ...

  8. Farm Science Review

    forward improving the Farm Science Review, we can not forget the people and places that provided the ...

  9. PetPALS CGC #5

    is made up of three or more people, with at least one person using a mobility aid, such as crutches, ... wheelchair, walker, cane, etc. The crowd will mill around, people talking to each other, while the 4-H member ... in the people and equipment, but should continue to walk through and around the crowd and be ...

  10. School Enrichment

    World (recommended for grades 7-12) Real Money Real World provides young people the opportunity to learn ...
