
Search results

  1. 4-H Camps Welcome All Wayne County Youth

    camp? Summer camps have been credited with being full of transformational experiences for young people ...

  2. Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training

    is a workshop limit of 30 people.  Pre-registration is required and the registration deadline is May ...

  3. Back to School Tips for Teen Drivers

    sure all passengers buckle up, too. Don’t try to fit more people in the car than you have seat belts ...

  4. Fair Wrap-up and Tailgating

    people to join us.  Here are a few things that I learned from our speakers this year: * When you have ...

  5. Rain, Heat and Mud Didn't Deter Visitors to the 2017 Farm Science Review

    visitors, and the final day of the farm show attracted 25,144 people. Next year’s Review will be Sept. 18 ...

  6. 4-H Camps Open To All Wayne County Youth

    transformational experiences for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to become more independent, ...

  7. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The University of Georgia

    capacity. So these people could do volunteer development, fund development, public relations in marketing ...

  8. The Farm Balance Sheet

    essential farm financial documents.  Registration cost is $50/person for up to three people from the same ...

  9. Manure Spill Prevention

    people who can help and you need to know who responds to text messages.  You should know: Who has ...

  10. Support Wayne County 4-H

    people. All of these local outcomes are but just a few of the many broader impacts that 4-H has on our ...
