
Search results

  1. Coalition Goal Setting

    number of people reached by any given activity is considered an output. Outcomes are the desired changes ...

  2. Common Difficulties Faced by Coalitions

    management: Practice active listening. Keep emotions in check. Separate the people from the problem. Focus on ...

  3. Planning for the Successful Transition of Your Agricultural Business

    management voids created by people moving up, retiring or leaving the business. Development of managers is ... a long-term investment in people and should not be ignored. Many excellent community and Extension management ...

  4. Farming with Upper Extremity Limitation/Amputation

    process. People heal more slowly as they get older. The more complex the amputation and its wound, the ...

  5. Compact Utility Tractor Safety

    passenger or a passenger on any attached implements. There is no safe place for children or other people to ...

  6. Involving Parents in 4-H

    According to research conducted by Schrock and Kelsey (2013, p. 2), “People are driven by the need for ...

  7. Business Retention and Expansion Program

    science-based strategies to expand the diversity of people and organizations having active roles in tackling the ...

  8. Preparing a Net Worth Statement

    rather than spend everything today or take on high consumer debt. For most people, financial security is ...

  9. Communication Strategies to Support a Family Member with Diabetes

    effective assistance to those with diabetes. Behavior change experts suggest that people go through six ...

  10. Reducing 2,4-D and Dicamba Drift Risk to Fruits, Vegetables and Landscape Plants

    cannot co-exist. However, the perceived risks may not be as high as many people fear. 2,4-D and dicamba ... incidents can happen. Before filing a drift complaint, talk to other people such as an Extension Educator to ...
