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For some things, Columbus is still the best test market
people to physically test a product. That’s especially true for food testing because people have such ...
Introducing Grow by FarmHer
has grown into much more than images that are changing the way people perceive a farmer, including ...
Successful Co-Parenting
Successful Parenting is a program mandated by the Court of Common Pleas for people getting ...
Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks!
find. Cloverbud Rocks! is meant to inspire people to venture out and explore our county's beautiful ...
What Scientists have to do with Food Security
this day across the globe people take part in food drives, hunger walks, and awareness campaigns to ...
Dr. Yael Vodovotz speaking at the The Atlantic's annual People V. Cancer Summit
April Newsletter
fair is free and open to people of all ages. New this year, we’ve added an optional Clover 5K Run/Walk ... 4-H Walk & Serve and Clover 5K OSU Extension, Franklin County connects with people in all stages ...
Chow Line: Internal Temperature of 165 F Needed for Chicken to Prevent Foodborne Illness
chicken or its juices, you could get a foodborne illness. In fact, about 1 million people get sick from ...
Leadership Academy
February 16: Conflict, Dispute Resolution and Dealing with Difficult People February 22: Crisis ...
Home Composting
small for some uses Another alternative to composting that some people consider is vermiculture. ...