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  1. On-Farm Agrichemical Mixing/Loading Pad

    land resources, people and animals. Because of the potential for contamination of soil and water ...

  2. Developing a Farm Digital Strategy 1- Introduction

    people of all ages around the globe. Precision agriculture (PA) technologies are also now common on ...

  3. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle

    on people and sometimes crawling into mouths and ears; and large numbers of beetles congregating on ...

  4. Preserving Food With Less Sugar

    Consumer Sciences Whether by personal choice or due to special dietary needs, many people are looking for ...

  5. 20 Questions on Plant Diagnosis

    years that occur on pines. Every fall, many people become worried about the yellowing, browning and ... most important information of all. People who work in a diagnostic laboratory will tell you the ... the landscaping may only make periodical visits. Who knows most about the plants? It may be the people ...

  6. Involving Parents in 4-H

    According to research conducted by Schrock and Kelsey (2013, p. 2), “People are driven by the need for ...

  7. Communication Strategies to Support a Family Member with Diabetes

    effective assistance to those with diabetes. Behavior change experts suggest that people go through six ...

  8. Rabbit Basics for the Beginner

    heat well and depend on water to cool their bodies. Many people insist on feeding supplements to their ...

  9. Leading Recreation at a 4-H Community Club Meeting

    game, but more life-sized. You will have four to five people per team with some serving as card ...

  10. Preparing Newsprint for Bedding

    changing. A 2012 study indicated 23 percent of people living in the United States said they had read a print ...
