
Search results

  1. Support for 4-H Dairy Judging Team to Travel to Europe

    Extension Wow what a year! Many workouts and competitions through the years prepared these four young people ... prepare our young people for future leadership roles. With their placement at WDE, they have earned the ...

  2. Gratitude and Your Health

    often. If someone shows you kindness, express a genuine ‘thank you’. Tell people how much you appreciate ...

  3. Choices to Create the Life We Love

    a bad mood all the time?  Make it a habit to look for the good in people and focus on that, in other ...

  4. Persitence

    can be that person! One trait that many accomplished people attribute their success to is the ability ...

  5. Building a Stronger Community

    a helping hand of friendship when needed.  Always look for the good in people and expect the best from ...

  6. Sheep And Goat Webinar Series

    2 people from the same farm.  The registration deadline is January 29.  An informational flier and ...

  7. Chi Epsilon Sigma/TERSSA 2016 Conference Planning Committee

    people.   The date is: March 4 th 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.  Would you have a room that would accommodate us? ...

  8. P. Ling

    12:40-1:40 for a group of 7 people. Since both Rm 202 and 219 are booked, we are looking for alternatives. Is ...

  9. Food Safety Danger Zone

    Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration an estimated 1 in 6 people get sick from a foodborne illness ...

  10. Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser

    studying calf anatomy; and 4) Avoiding on-the-job injury. For the people working with calves, it is highly ... is discouraging for the people working with the calves and unprofitable, as well as unsustainable for ...
