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  1. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Utah State University

    the federal agencies, as well as the tourism and recreation folks- people who sometimes are at odds ... administration has this great idea and yet people in the field either don't want to do it, don't have ... by hiring contracted extension employees- people who are funded just by this grant and when these ...

  2. 2018 Arbor Day Celebration of Trees at Chadwick Arboretum!

    More than 80 people, including Brenda Drake, wife of Ohio State President Michael V. Drake, ...

  3. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Kansas State University

    have 30 young people that would organize into one or two community clubs. And instead what they've ... It's continuing now to grow. But the innovation there was so often people have said, "Well, but we ... right way, there is a huge opportunity to bring a whole lot more young people into the 4-H movement and ...

  4. Duane Rigsby: Problem Solved

    IT people wear work boots,” he said jokingly, as he motioned his hand down toward his rugged ...

  5. 4-H Walk and Serve

    men, women, and children.    Spina Bifida- 100 rice socks decorated for people who are in pain and need ...

  6. Chadwick featured in a Columbus Dispatch article

    OSU extension specialist and contributor to the project, said the goal is simple: “To give people an ... understanding that economic benefits of trees exist and to help people understand what the value of the ...

  7. Our Program

    Department of Agriculture that promotes independence for people in agriculture who want to continue to farm ... enterprises. * Provide peer support Ohio AgrAbility connects you with other people, who have had similar ...

  8. Casey Sclar, Executive Director, American Public Gardens Association joins Mary Maloney and Ann Fisher as WOSU 89.7 FM broadcasts live “All Sides with Ann Fisher” at Chadwick Arboretum

    Collectively, these gardens reach over 70 million people per year and help to realize American Public Gardens ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Kentucky State University

    a mobile kitchen to help the people with process of their food, and [keeping date?], and have the food ...

  10. Scheduling Workshops and Educational Programs

    business accessible to people of all ages and abilities The OAP team may be able to customize a workshop to ...
