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Krauss Dairy
veterinarians, and field service people to the dairy industry. The OARDC Mastitis Lab is located in Gerlaugh Hall ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility workshops and exhibits at the 2018 Farm Science Review
Ohio AgrAbility staff will present several workshops about ways to help people continue to farm or ... Center Tent at Beef Street and Corn Avenue Is your AgriTourism business accessible to people with ...
The Most Adventurous Fair
across the state that provided help this year. There are so many people to thank for so many things they ... a few of the many key people that deserve special recognition and appreciation. Thank you to our 4-H and ...
Welcoming Everyone to your Farm or Business
to the public? Is your farm or business welcoming to people with disabilities? The American’s with ... Disabilities Act is a federal law that requires businesses to be accessible to people with disabilities, and it ... questions to consider: Is your property welcoming to people of all abilities? Is there room in your parking ...
Good Spending and Savings Habits
an emergency. That’s nearly 131,000,000 people. We just completed a Steps To Home Ownership series of ...
Sheep Blog Offers Advice on Keeping the Flock Healthy and Profitable
“Ohio State has done a lot of research on sheep, but unfortunately not a lot of people are aware of the ... why Campbell turns research papers into shards of advice that people in the sheep industry can use. ... hopes to attract younger people to the site and inspire them to raise sheep, if they aren’t already ...
OSU- A Land Grant University
Antonio for a Leadership conference and met some wonderful people from all over the nation, through their ... people, just as we should do as individuals. We serve ourselves best when we serve others and our ...
Wayne County 4-H Launches Mobile App
people who might not be able to be on-site at the show/sale arena when the hard copies of the programs ...
New Course Offering: AnimSci 5000
Looking for Major Elective Credit? Interested in learning how people make decisions regarding ...
Spring Dean’s List
Sarah Walker* Carter Wallinger Brittany Webb* Stephanie Wehmer Rachel Wermert Kristen Wetzel* Jarod Wood ...