
Search results

  1. Research, Education, and Extension Collaboration between the Ohio State University South Centers and Jiamusi Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Rafiq Islam, along with Alan Sundermeier from Ohio State University visited the People’s Republic of ...

  2. Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows

    dairy industry. For many people, a fair or show is the only place they see dairy cattle. Therefore, your ... display, actions, and animal care heavily influence the thoughts of those people. To keep a positive image ... the only place people come into contact with dairy animals and learn about them. Educational displays ...

  3. Forestry and Woodlands Links

    program in U.S. and 3rd party audits) Arbor Day Foundation  (inspires people to plant, nurture, celebrate ...

  4. Weather Links

    career center/jobs) American Weather and Climate Industry Association (trade association for people who ...

  5. September is Food Safety Month

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Annually, some 48 million people get foodborne ...

  6. Business Development Network Updates

    wood furniture manufacturing, employed approximately 47,200 people, created $4 billion of labor income, ...

  7. Inside This Issue

    general, and livestock agriculture in particular.  Unfortunately, some people like to cite the report when ...

  8. Hands-on Horticulture

    political stability. With sixty percent of people in Africa depending on agriculture, the people of Northern ...

  9. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    over 2,000 people interested in learning more about the hop and malting barley research that is being ..., where over 500 people participated in all-day tours of ten commercial hop farms throughout Ohio. ...

  10. Defying the Laws of Nature

    people in the state had permits allowing them to sell seafood. Any advances in farming that make it ...
