
Search results

  1. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    experience and when working on a project, find people who know more than you do and learn from them.” * The ...

  2. State 4-H PetPALS Master Volunteer Leader Training

    4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational  4-H project ...

  3. Honoring Ohio 4-H Volunteers

    Marrison is one of 99 people and organizations who will be recognized at the 2020 Ohio 4-H Awards ...

  4. Calendar of Events April 8 at 6 p.m. – Busy People Can Garden Too (Webinar)  – Join Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Teens Attend National Healthy Living Summit

    presentations to club and school audiences.  “I loved going to all the workshops and meeting new people,” said ...

  6. Rocky Mountain Career Adventure

    they  talked to us like people who were going to achieve something one day.” At Cactus Hill Ranch, which ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Sea Camp

    people the opportunity to learn about aquatic science and experience a variety of recreational ...

  8. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    and people. When one case is discovered at a fair, more often than not, several cases are found at the ... what prevention measures are taken at the fairs and how often they are used to keep people and animals ... H3N2. In animals and people, the clinical signs of influenza can include fever, a runny nose, coughing ...

  9. Mid-Ohio Foodbank Partners with 4-H

    of our hungry neighbors. In Ohio, one in six people do not know where their next meal is coming ... the animals we receive can help people in this way,” said Linda Oiler, owner of Oiler Meat Processing. ...

  10. Southern Ohio 4-H educators host virtual project clinic

    the people I work with!” said Williams with enthusiasm. “With all the difficulty this year brought ...
