
Search results

  1. PetPALS SPP #1

    properly greet people. The 4-H member is holding her pet, with the pet wearing a harness and on a leash. ...

  2. Lawn Mowing Safety

    mower safety is not practiced. Each year, nearly 80,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for ...

  3. ACEL Graduate Student Bringing Agricultural Extension into Managua, Nicaragua

    abroad was to New Zealand and Australia as part of a People-to-People trip in the summer after her ... known that people are raising livestock within the city limits, but little research is being done to ...

  4. National Farm Safety and Health Week, Sept. 15-21, 2013

    to people that aren’t typically included in other workforces.” To read the whole article, http ...

  5. 1970's

    people from Huron, Ottawa, and Wyandot Counties have enjoyed the beauty of 4-H Camp Conger. Along with ... instruction. He enjoys working with young people, especially on a one-to-one basis, and has often reached out ... people alike. Beyond 4-H, he has been a member of the local school board.  He continues contributing ...

  6. PetPALS Preparing Youth

    Objectives: To help young people Prepare for AAA visits using role-playing techniques. Safely ... a role-playing environment. Background Information People use role-playing techniques to experience a situation ... and/or their pets are NEVER permitted to be alone with the person or people they are visiting. A Master ...

  7. PetPALS CGC #1

    can greet people, and the dog will allow a friendly stranger to approach it and speak to the handler. ...

  8. Chow Line: Meat vs. ‘Meat?’

    Knipe said. “Clean, or ‘cultured,’ meat apparently has been given the name ‘clean’ as some people feel ...

  9. PetPALS Supplies

    brushing the pet. Use a brush with soft bristles. A brush with a hand strap works well for people who ... Toy (The people being visited usually like to see the animal play with a toy, or like to use the toy ... for your pet, and only allow people to give your pet a treat that you have provided.) When extra ...

  10. Check Your First Aid Kits

    environment, the number of people that may use the kit, and type of activity being conducted. Keep at least one ...
