
Search results

  1. Dec. 18 Open Doors training: How to recognize, identify, end bias

    Multicultural Center. Mileage will be provided by the CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team for the first 10 people to ...

  2. CFAES and Brand Website Redesign and CFAES Identity Launch

    legislative outreach, collaborative partnerships, and fundraising. If people know and understand the breadth ...

  3. Training Dates for 2016

    7.  This includes how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's ... news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have trained in the ... create and edit pages, news items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It ...

  4. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    seeing different people with different purposes for digging in the dirt. More men and more couples are ... getting involved in gardening. Some are recent retirees making a connection to nature. Others are people ... questions that it can't answer to Goard. Connecting people to further information Extension also has ...

  5. Ohio State's new tobacco free policy kicks off Jan. 1

    people commonly use tobacco. As we near the implementation date of this policy, you are strongly ...

  6. Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame

    At least 1,650 people attended the Ohio Volunteer Conference and Ohio Teen Conference, which capped ... A number of people were also recognized for their years of volunteer service to Ohio 4-H. The 2014 Ohio ...

  7. Wily coyotes are howlingly faithful: Study finds 100 percent monogamy

    offspring" and has a clear genetic stake in helping them survive, Gehrt said. 2,000 coyotes, 9 million people ... greater Chicago, which is home to about 9 million people and is the third-largest metropolitan area in the ...

  8. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    vegetables are essential to help people eat healthier. Fresh-cooked meals made with local products are tasty, ... continue to grow healthy young people throughout Ohio.-- Cheryl Buck, OSU Extension ...

  9. Driven to succeed: OARDC-industry partnership is creating new jobs

    State people working with us in the lab. And we will continue to grow with Ohio State." Read ...

  10. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    dogs can hear higher sounds than people can-- and how to build speakers out of paper, copper wire, and ...
