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Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World
same God I believe in is incredible. It’s refreshing and unique. The Lakota people taught me more than ... with the people of Pine Ridge. Grant is passionate about volunteerism. He dedicates his time with the ...
CHAIRE: Exploring The Animal/Human Bond
people, animals and the environments they co-exist within. Despite being called a “center,” CHAIRE is ... zooeyia refers to how people can benefit physically and mentally from interacting with animals. Each focus ... human-animal interactions is what pushed George to create CHAIRE. “I wanted to start reaching out to people ...
Krauss Dairy
veterinarians, and field service people to the dairy industry. The OARDC Mastitis Lab is located in Gerlaugh Hall ...
Animal Sciences Students Win Awards at MANRRS Conference
people to be happy and healthy.” Cleggett hopes to remain at Ohio State and attend veterinary school or ...
BARK Seasonal Roles
BARK is what happens when a bunch of crazy dog people turn an obsession into a profession. ...
Livestock Judging: Coach Turner
Central Evaluation. 1986 L to R: Jim Chakeres, Assistant Coach; Craig Meranda, Georgetown; Stephanie ... Evaluation; Mark Hoffman, 7th, North Central Judging; Stephanie Earnhart, 9th, North Central Judging; Jim ...
Millenkamp Cattle Internship Opportunity
prefer people who are not veterinary school-bound. For more information on this internship, please see ...
Alum Continues to be Valuable Resource to Faculty Member
advances as a result of his inputs. Larry is one of the most humorous people I have ever known. Denva and ...
E. Bode (V)
219 Eric needs to connect with Wooster for a finance meeting with around 10 people. Joshua E. ...
Rhinebeck Equine Veterinary Assistant Position
of people who are supportive, helpful and goal-oriented. They offer a competitive wage, excellent ...