
Search results

  1. Bacterial Diseases of Plants

    birds or insects. People can unwittingly spread bacterial diseases by, for instance, pruning infected ...

  2. Giant Caterpillars

    can persist for minutes to hours and people allergic to the venom can have even more severe reactions. ...

  3. New Nozzles for Spray Drift Reduction

    always been in the minds of people who apply pesticides. However, spray drift has become a very serious ...

  4. Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development

    Summary As the oil and gas industry continues to expand in Ohio, people using private water supplies near ...

  5. Basic Estate Planning: Costs Involved in Transferring Property

    larger estates, there might be a need for more detailed estate plans. But for many people, especially ... difficult. Most people want quality service and expertise for the best price. Important considerations in ...

  6. Food Preservation: Freezing Vegetables

    Healthy People Program Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences Original author: Sharon L. Mader, ...

  7. Preserving Uncooked Jams and Jellies

    are heat-stable, but some people do notice an aftertaste in other products. Therefore, it's ...

  8. Basic Estate Planning: Tax Basis if Property Is Transferred

    $70,000 would increase most people's federal tax bill by $10,500 ($70,000 X 15%). There would also be ... as $1.3 million per person utilizing the qualified family-owned business deduction times two people ...

  9. Understanding Genetically Modified Foods

    itself. The FDA regulates the safety of all GM crops that are consumed by people or animals (FDA, 2015, ... nutrients. Can this provide nutrient-dense food supplies for people with limited resources? GMOs could allow ...

  10. Calving Management in Dairy Herds: Timing of Intervention and Stillbirth

    without the use of mechanical traction 3 = assistance by 2 or more people 4 = assistance with mechanical ...
