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  1. February Newsletter

    Extension offers a wide range of programs to help people improve the quality of their lives, from money ... called “When Good People Disagree,” which explored conflicts and ways to respectfully and constructively ... Extension, Franklin County connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. ...

  2. 4-H Walk and Serve

    men, women, and children.    Spina Bifida- 100 rice socks decorated for people who are in pain and need ...

  3. People of Ohio 4-H: Larry Rummell

    eyes. There was loud music was playing, tent flaps were flapping, and lots of people were milling ...

  4. Sharif holds internship with Franklinton Gardens

    their communities. Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and ... leadership and gain the skills necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of ...

  5. Data visualization class designed to increase science communication

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources. “Since most people are visual learners, I think ... for the Department. “In our information-heavy society, people need scientists and professionals who ...

  6. E. Ozkan Web site: Wednesday, December 21, 2016- 8:30am to ...

  7. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  8. 4-H Cloverbud Adviser Guidebook

    direction. Veteran advisors will also find it useful as a good resource for working with young people.   The ... of 4-H Cloverbud clubs and groups, characteristics of young people, application of the eight key ...

  9. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    will be at the Firebaugh Building in OSU Central. Concerns with young people working agricultural jobs ... change, what was learned from the experience is a lot of people didn't know the requirements. This ...

  10. B. Saba

    projector for me on 24th November 10 am-1 pm. I have scheduled my candidacy oral exam. six people including ...
