
Search results

  1. Grants and Low-Interest Loans for Ohio Small Farms

    ideas to people with good character. The fund is for innovative ideas that aren’t able to receive ...

  2. Choosing a Pesticide Product

    destructive or nuisance organisms that affect people, pets, livestock, or plants. Weeds, insects, slugs, ...

  3. Asian Tiger Mosquito

    exhibits non-specific searching behavior until she senses a suitable animal. Females generally bite people ...

  4. Camp Management Frequently Asked Questions

    there were just two people walking around at camp.  Background Checks for 18+ Year Old Counselors that ...

  5. Tech Recipe: Starting A Scholastic Drone Racing Team

    racing team, such as materials and people needed, the skill building benefits scholastic teams offer, ...

  6. Bacterial Diseases of Plants

    birds or insects. People can unwittingly spread bacterial diseases by, for instance, pruning infected ...

  7. A Consumer’s Guide to Pure Maple Syrup

    adds an unmistakable maple taste. People who like cooking with maple should keep this grade in the back ...

  8. Understanding Genetically Modified Foods

    itself. The FDA regulates the safety of all GM crops that are consumed by people or animals (FDA, 2015, ... nutrients. Can this provide nutrient-dense food supplies for people with limited resources? GMOs could allow ...

  9. Using Ice to Protect Outdoor-Growing Plants against Frosts and Freezes

    available to protect crops from frosts, let us define frost and freeze. For many people, these two words ...

  10. Food Preservation: Making Jerky

    marinated for several hours may be saltier than some people prefer. If you choose to heat the meat prior to ...
